Meeting of October 8th - ZOOM
The meeting of October 8th was originally supposed to be an in person meeting with some members attending on Zoom. However Phil came down with Laryngitis and other members were displaying some illness sighns so it was proposed that meeting would be a complete ZOOM Meeting.
In attendance:
Harold, Brian, Don, Andy, Phil (who had trouble speaking) Geoff, Glen, Lawrence and Kathy and Adrian
Don, at our request, chaired the meeting.
It was confirmed that the meeting was a 3 day meeting (May 20th -May 23rd) with the Sunday before (May 19th) becoming a 4th day with a pub night and no other activities.
The Venue has been booked and a deposit paid.
The meeting then referred to the "Items Needing Attention Now" memorandum set up by Phil:
Car Show Location
- Geoff is waiting for a reply to a request from the township of Metchosin not far from Sooke to hold the car show in that municipality. They don't appear to require a permit or fee for use of the area. He has not received a reply.
- Looking at the Enrico Winery as a possible site. Don mentioned that the OECC had recently held a car show there and the location was great. There are two downsides - 1.
it is about 3/4 to an hours drive from the hotel and 2. there is a very limited capacity for food. Food trucks could be arranged.
Andy advised that the Car Show will be on Tuesday. If it was at the Winery perhaps a short tour could be organized to the site to get everyone there. Don will approach the Winery to get the site locked down. A stop over at The Malahat Skywalk could possibly be arranged for the return trip. There is a cost to the site and a far amount of walking to get from the parking lot.
- we would need a sound system fro either site. Don advised he could look into it.
Concours judging could be done there.
Advertising & Marketing
Will be discussed later when Phil gets his voice back.
Outside Tours. Not discussed at this time.
Adrian advised:
Meet regalia will be available by preorder only.
Will be meeting with supplyer shortly and ID specifically what we will nee.
He is looking at Golf Shirts with embroidered logo, T Shirts with silk screen logo, possible sweatshirt with embroidered logo.
In addition we will have available AHOABC regalia (mugs, shirts etc)
We have to decided what awards will be given i.e. Best of Show, Presidents Choice, possibly Longist Distance, Hardship,
Will have to decide if one overall award or class awards, if so Identify classes.
Brian suggested give the overall award tropy or? plus framed certifcates for each class.
Ladies programs.
Don advised that he had sent out requests for suggestions to many of the female club members and received many good ideas. (copy of the suggestions following this report)
Must realize and act prudently to ensure that any extra costs to our club are kept to a minimum.
Kathy said she would like to speak to soeone from the hotel about what they had to offer. It was greed we would glad support her offer.
Don suggested getting Ann West involved as she is knowledgeable on the subject and the area.
Put off until Phil can speak on the subject. He did mention that he was not in agreement with the rating of sponsors - Gold Silver etc. It was agreed that that was not a problem.
Evening Entertainment.
This is something we have not concerned our selves with in the past. Adrian had a suggestion for someone and he will look him up.
Gathering places. Locations about were attendees could meet and get together. Patio was a suggestion, as was the walkway. To be discussed later.
Geoff advised that the Concours Chairman had fallen ill and his temporary replacement would like to kept advised of the attendees to see iof judges were attending. Brian advised he would undertake to send him monthly lists of those who have registered.
Don was imphatic that no commitment is made by the club for other than the normal arrangements. We will provide the location, some supplies, a canopy (or 2 if needed) from the funds we are collecting as part of the registration. The Concours committee wanted $50 to judge a car and we were advised to collect what ever we determined would be a proper amount. We would supply a box lunch or similar and possibly a goody bag with their needed supplies. Geoff advised that there are usually 4 judges per class of car.
Event rooms in contract.
A question was raised about the rooms we have contracted for. Harold advised those rooms are ours for the whole day. Thare may be setup costs if rearranging is required.
Tech Sessions.
It was agreed that we would once again ask Steve Day to conduct a drive through tech session. Somneone inquired about the value of having a tech session for the ladies but it was revealed it wasn't exactly a popular choice when conducted in the past.
Food and Beverage Contact
This was discussed and it was decided that, as this is an important part of the meet, we will need someone experienced in this field. Karen Morrison was mentioned. Kathy will think about this and try and come up with someone up to the task.
Ferry information and reservations will not be available until the New Year.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be 2 weeks from now - Sunday October 22 10:00. We will try gain for an in person meeting at Brian's Home.

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