Even the youngest Austin Healey is over 50 years of age and is, as we used to say in the sixties of people of that vintage - "Not to be Trusted". Donald himself was astonished that so many Healeyphiles actually drove their vintage cars over fairly long distances. On this accord there is both good news and bad news.

The bad news is that like any older mechanical things, Austin Healeys do experience parts that wear out or break. The good news is that unlike cars of the current generation, they can be repaired by most owners who possess a modicum of mechanical ability and a service manual. Even better news is that Healey people are more than willing to share their technical knowledge and expertise readily and are more than willing to assist with repairs.

Here then is a collection of articles and experiences by members and friends of the Austin Healey Owners Association of British Columbia. They are offered in the spirit of sharing, that all may enjoy the pleasure and satisfaction of both maintaining and driving their treasured Healeys. This collection will grow regularily, so please visit us often and, if you wish to contribute an article that will help you fellow Healey owner, please contact the editor at ahoabc@eastlink.ca who, if necessary, will assist you in the presentation of your article.
Austin Healey Check List
Checking for wear in Front Suspension
Austin Healey brake service
BJ8 Wood Dash Restoration
Wiring colour codes
Reversing battery polarity
Overdrive Electrical Troubleshooting
Replacing hood prop rod with a gas strut
BJ8 - loose choke control repair
Canadian Healey Towing eyes
Trafficator removal
BJ8 Wiring Diagram
Preparing for winter storage
Adjusting Overdrive throttle switch
Determining tire age
Replacing trunk prop rod with gas strut
Wiring connection tool
Fuel Gauge anti flickering modification
BJ7 & BJ8 Door Glass Removal
Bleeding a hydraulic clutch

Click here for service suggestions. Several members have  Austin Healey related businesses. If you have problems requiring work these businesses maybe able to help you.


Parts list BN7, BT7, BJ7 and BJ8
Firewall holes
Remote Clutch Bleeder
Properly Setting up your wiper motor
Spark Plugs - replacement for Champion UN12Y
Pedal Extension
SU Carb -= tuning and service information
John Sims Technical Site ( a Lot of useful information)